Stainless Steel GTA Pump

The new stainless steel GTA oil transfer pumps, designed for long exposure to chemical or saltwater, complement the aluminum range and are ideal for industrial heavy duty usage.

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Lamor Landing Craft LLC

The main group of the Lamor workboats made of seawater resistant aluminum comprises the low draft Lamor Landing Craft design (6500/7500/9000 Cabin and 10000 Cabin), with a self-draining deck and ranging in length from 6.5m – 10 m, for which the customer can specify engine type and drive; outboard, stern drive or water jet with diesel or gasoline engines.

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Lamor Umbilical Hose Reel (LUT) with Telescopic Crane Arm

The Umbilical Hose Reel is an advanced and robust hose reel designed for the Lamor Umbilical Hose with an integrated telescopic lifting arm for deployment, operational use and retrieval of Lamor offshore skimmers with umbilical hoses.

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Lamor Multi Skimmer LMS

The Lamor Multi Skimmer is a flexible high capacity free-floating skimmer, which is designed with interchangeable brush, disc, and drum modules in a triangular configuration and it works equally well for nearshore, shallow water skimming as well as for open sea operations.

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Lamor Multimax 50 Skimmer LAM 50

The Lamor Multimax 50 is a brush chain-type free-floating skimmer designed to recover oil in fast flowing rivers, oil ponds, harbors or as an advancing side sweep skimmer in all oil types from light to extremely heavy viscous oils.

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Lamor Brush Adapter LBA

The Lamor Brush Adapter is a brush-type oil recovery module designed to fit quickly and easily onto the hopper of a weir skimmer, to improve the overall recovery efficiency, i.e. reduce free water recovered with oil, and to improve the performance in very high viscosity oils.

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Lamor Minimax 25 Skimmer LMM 25


The light-weight, new generation modular Lamor  Minimax 25 skimmer is easily transported and assembled, and can hence be used in all terrains and environments, including Arctic conditions and remote locations.

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Lamor Sternmax


The newly-developed Sternmax is a high capacity advancing Arctic skimmer designed to separate oil from ice.


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